friend of God tells friends about God.
Sunday, April 29, 2007//

April 26, 2007

Wanted: Friends who don’t believeby Jon Walker

“Be friendly with everyone. Don't be proud and feel that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people.” (Romans 12:16 CEV)

In The Message paraphrase, 2 Corinthians 5:20b is rendered: “Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you.” That’s the message we’re to take to the world, yet often we limit our influence by seeking and maintaining friendships exclusively among other believers.
Jesus, on the other hand, sought out the lost, deliberately becoming friends with those who needed a friend in God.

The Bible says that when the Pharisees saw Jesus keeping company with the community’s great unwashed, “they had a fit, and lit into Jesus’ followers. ‘What kind of example is this from your teacher, acting cozy with crooks and riffraff?’ Jesus, overhearing, shot back, ‘Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: ‘I’m after mercy, not religion.’ I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.” (Matthew 9:10-13 MSG)

Jesus knew who he was, according to God’s design; Jesus knew whose he was, according to God’s truth; and Jesus knew his purpose for being here on earth. All this allowed him to relax and ignore what others thought or said about him.

It meant Jesus wasn’t worried when others accused him of being a friend of sinners (Luke 19:7) because he was doing exactly what the Father sent him to do: persuade men and women to make peace with God (2 Cor. 5:20).

Likewise, we’re to represent Jesus, speaking on his behalf to those still on the “outside.” Yet some of us are so isolated and disconnected from unbelievers that we rarely have any meaningful conversations with them. The tendency is that the longer we’re believers, the more insulated we become from unbelievers, and perhaps the more uncomfortable we become with them.

The result – we no longer have friends who are non-believers.

Jesus’ actions suggest that our witness to a non-believer starts with friendship: We earn the right to share the Gospel through relationship. The old cliché is a cliché because it’s true: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Those who have yet to become friends with God are just like you and me, looking for deep, true, supportive friendships.

The Apostle Paul encourages us to find common ground with non-believers: “I do this to get the Gospel to them and also for the blessing I myself receive when I see them come to Christ.” (1 Cor. 9:21-23 LB) Finding common ground is an act of friendship; it guides us to look for the positive instead of the negative in those outside the faith.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, he pointed to what they had in common rather than the things he could condemn. (John 4) As a result, she not only became friends with God, she brought her friends and family into the presence of Jesus.
So What?

· Do you know who you are? – This is critical for you to become friends with non-believers. Otherwise, you may overly worry about what others believers think of you, or you may drift into sinful behaviors because you become concerned about what non-believers think about you. Jesus knew who he was and whose he was, and Jesus knew God’s purpose for his life. This allowed him to relax and ignore what others thought or said about him.

· Love people, not their values – God loves people (John 3:16), but that doesn’t mean he loves the values of the world. The Apostle John warns us not to “love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father.” (1 John 2:15 MSG)

· Building friendships requires:
Courtesy: “Always talk pleasantly and with a flavor of wit but be sensitive to the kind of answer each one requires.” (Col. 4:6 NJB)
Frequency: You’ve got to spend time with non-believers in order to become friends with them.
Authenticity: “Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it.” (Romans 12:9a MSG)

· Be friendly with everyone – “Don't be proud and feel that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people.” (Romans 12:16 CEV)

5:38 AM

Thursday, April 26, 2007//

Your EQ is 127
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
What's" Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?

9:56 PM

Monday, April 23, 2007//

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
hi pastor

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
read your mail, but pc went crazy, so couldnt sent out the mail to you

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
so decided to msn you now

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
are you refering to the JOB?

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
i am getting my employment pass in walton tml

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
i met up with mycousin whom you saw that day in church

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and i am glad cos he answered me

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cosi told him, if he need someone who is fervent and obsessed with making tonnes of money etc

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
then i guess, i am not the type of person

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and if i need to be lidat to be successful

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
then i bet i am not suitable for the job

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos idun want to sell

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and i was surprised when he affirmed me that if i in this job with the mentality to sell, then i am in the wrong job and i am in the wrong path

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos ultimately it's all about sharing this investment plan to others

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
whether they chose to take up this investment or not, it's up to them

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
you are helping them cos you know it's a good pdt

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and to frank

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
this is what i want to do in this job

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
to jus share the benefits

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
to share something that you believe

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and hope others will apprecaite the beauty of it

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
jus like how i do

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
so i met up with qy yday

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and tok to her about this a bit too

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and she started toking about the area of she feeling strongly to want to pray for me jus week about rejection

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and it's an area all this while, but i do not know the root cause

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
low self esteem

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
feel unlovable and unworthy

Yolanda says:
yes I affirm what QY told you. I read your messages all at one go and as I read (before I came to what QY told you about fear) I already wanted to tell you that you need to overcome personal fear. and it's fear of rejection

Yolanda says:
it is the same as what we spe the other day at good friday about the tuition gals in PL

Yolanda says:
about reaching them for christ pro actively

Yolanda says:
about sharing christ with them

Yolanda says:
it's the same attitude and mindset

Yolanda says:
bec God loves them and you love God so much that you want to love them and bless them with the bless...that is salvation

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and then on my way home

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
i was thinking

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and some how i finally realise why i so want to quit

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos i am not a technical person

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and it's v frustrating cos everything doesnt make sense to me

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and i am nto performing to my expectations

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
though a lot of ppl are telling me i am a engineer and it's very rare to find today, and hope i will stay

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
but yet, i know my strength could be in the relational side

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and all these while during my vacation i have always been doing sales

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and my performance is one of the better ones

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and mabe cos i know, i can do it

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
so i want to go into it

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
to gain my "worth". "acceptance" and "esteem"

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
that's why when qy told to me yday

Yolanda says:
have the freedom and courage to explore

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
she metnioned something that i forgot

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos she said i must be prepared, cannot be too idealistic, cos things may not turn up to be the way it is

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and it should not be in a attitude and mentality that "i know i can do it."
" i can"

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
but rather to go with a mentality

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
that i am ONLY but an instrument used by God

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
it's the same job, but the attitude towards it is so impt

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and it struck me alot

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
thats why today, when i went for a run

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
i told God too

Yolanda says:
to be who you are whom God has intended you to be and not be who you are becasue of people, envoirnment, family

Yolanda says:
self expectation

Yolanda says:
or even becasue of professional training

Yolanda says:
& bec of what is the norm

Yolanda says:
not all these

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
to explore to find out "who God wants me to be"?

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
"to be whom God intended me to be"?

Yolanda says:
explore what you want to do and be doing...

Yolanda says:
and as you do there you will be released to be who God had intended you to be

Yolanda says:
Growth and personal breakthru does not happen in a vacuum

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
then it will seem to be job hoppinh ard and ard

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and never ending

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos exploring is a process

Yolanda says:
God uses life circumstances etc to transform us

Yolanda says:

Yolanda says:
not trying for trying seek

Yolanda says:
when you try with God leading and with the cousel of Holy Spirit affirm by your spiritual leader and spiritual family (not so much of christian friends)

Yolanda says:
it is with a sense of responsibility and committment yet it is not binding

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
ya, that's why after i spoke to you

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
God used you again to speak to me about the importance to have a consistent accountability

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
about spiritual accountability

Yolanda says:
so exploring in this context it is good..

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
ya, i understand, it all boils down to atitude

Yolanda says:
and it is also thru this exploration that you are more aware of God's intended work in your life that he wants you to overcome fear of rejection etc...

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
that's why i feel a bit ironic

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
cos i have fear of rejectio etc etc

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and it doesnt make sense for me all the more to want to go into it

yy - [3mths.] i thank God for her in my life.. says:
and yet, i am interested to explore in this area

Yolanda says:
cos deep in our soul, we all seek to want to do what we feel we will enjoy and will excel in...yet we fear

Yolanda says:
it's a journey where we have to walk thru and end up well ...with a stronger character being developed

Yolanda says:
doesn't matter what is the job outcome...

Yolanda says:
not that the outcome is not important but that I believe God's best for you will be for you

Yolanda says:
Joshua 1 : 8 Do not let this Bo of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

9:15 PM

you shouldnt miss this song.
Monday, April 16, 2007//

Review about Who Am I

Casting Crown's "Who am I?" Reviewer: Adam U.
REALLY love this song. I first heard it on the mission trip I went on early this last July. Whenever I hear it, I feel like I'm back there with all of those people that care about me. It also makes me realize how short we really have to live-we're here today and gone tomorow-and there may not be a "later" to do something. We have to do everything like it's out last moment. And don't forget to live every moment in Him. If He were to come down at any given moment, would you be imbarassed, or try to deny what you were doing? If you would be, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. If you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, and think that mabye I can help, email me! I won't look down on you if you're a teen, because I'm only 16-and I've gone thru it all. My parents are getting a divorce now, I've but up with child abuse, my elder brother's constantally trying to beat me up, and one of the only friends I have I've been fighting with. So PLEASE, mail me if you just need somebody to understand, or advice, or whatever the case may be. Take care, and God bless.

Who Am I Reviewer: George Weasley
I think this song is wonderful! It really makes me think about how I'm only here for a little while and I'm pretty insignificant, yet God still loves me and listens to me. Who Am I really reminds me how much God loves me, and we all need to be reminded of that sometimes. And (this makes the song even better!) there are tons of things right from scripture in the lyrics! I tried to find them all, and you should try too. It's amazing. So, my reveiw? If you haven't figured it out yet, this is a truly inspirational song, and I love it!

Does this bring you to your knees? Reviewer: Sharon
As a result of inerrent surfing, this was my first encounter with Casting Crowns. A song that surely brought me to my knees! I sat at my pc and cried upon hearing these lyrics. A somewhat struggling and new Christian, this song encaptures and embraces how I feel in my growth in Christ. A backbone song in my new fortress of truth, who am I? I am a child of Christ, safe to grow in His love without fear of condemnation because of the many times when I fail Him. Anyone who wants to feel truly loved for who they are, here and now, but still forgiven for all they are still trying to be, LISTEN TO THESE LYRICS AND TAKE THEM TO HEART. GOD SPEAKS. AMEN. XXXXXX

Casting Crowns Rock! Reviewer: Katie
O.K when i first heard this song i have to admit i have cried. It has alot of meaning and integrity and i love songwriters who write songs and actually mean what they say. And i have never known how much i really miss talking to God.

Wonderful!!! Reviewer: Renae
This song has made me feel like someone actually loves me. Someone cares. And now I know that God would do anything for me. He's there whenever I need him. Also this song shows me how great and powerful God is. The song says like how we are too. I am a flower quickly fading here today and gone tomorrow. We are always falling away and slowly dieing but then when we get to God we are the total opposite. I love this song. Thanks Casting Crowns for making this song and telling people how God can change their life!

My thoughts... Reviewer: Rhonda
I just heard this song today in a church service and I absolutely LOVED it!! It really shows God's awesome power and His authority over us and the rest of the world. I especially like the bridge because it is a perfect wording of how I feel about God and it reminds me to stay humble at His feet.

AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Reviewer: pam
Wow!!! One of the few simple songs that makes me realize the awesomeness of God! A vapor in the wind...... I never imagined myself that way.... most amazingly.... God knows me!!! He listens to me, watches over me.... amazing!! Its really interesting how its so easy to forget about God during the good times and then when you are in a fix and really need Him, He is still there for us.Wonderful awesome song! Casting Crows, continue keeping it real!

Wow Reviewer: KP
The first time that I heard this song was when I was in the 7th grade, four years ago at a retreat for 7th and 8th graders. I can tell you that I cried my eyes out. This was the first time that I knew GOD was with me step-for-step. A week later, my Grandfather died. Back then, my computer did not have an internet connection, so the next time I heard this song was in the 8th grade at the same retreat. Again, I cried. Now I just got an internet connection 6 months ago. I found the name of the song tonight and found the song itself on the net. It is making me cry now. Awesome song, touching.

Awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reviewer: Liz
OMG!That is such a awsome song that speaks to me about How God works in mysterios ways and how he loves us so much!He is so freakin awsome he is the one who spoke 2 me about how to become like him and do only his works through this beautiful song!I just have 2 say I love it!

Who I am Reviewer: Mike
This song is powerful! Everytime when i listen to this song i see how God is so amazing! God is good always

7:49 AM

wat a song.

Who Am I LyricsArtist(Band):Casting Crowns
Review The Song (27)

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.

Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.

Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
like a wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.

Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.

I am yours.
I am yours.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.

Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Bridge&Chorus 2x
I am yours.

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am yours.I am yours.

7:30 AM

Friday, April 13, 2007//

Jairus had to wait, and we have to wait. A lot of us grow impatient with God, and in our impatience, we can foolishly take things into our own hands and make them far worse. Know this: God's delays are not necessarily His denials. We need to wait on the Lord. God's timing is just as important as His will. He doesn't ask for us to understand. He just asks us to trust.

God gave me many chances to turn away. to start afresh.
God gave me so many oppt to breakaway from the old self and to start afresh.
God show me so much to tell me why i am in such a state.

but even though i know it.
i kept them in my head.
head knowledge are good, but often it allows my powerful logic to come and overthrow my faith.

without Faith it's impossible to please God.

5:45 AM

i look forrward to tuesday.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007//

it was a good though tiring day.
i went to PLMGS as usual for my tutoring.
but today was a little different.
after lesson, i went pasta mania with the girls.
though,it's kinda weird to be found in a group of sec5 girls..haha,not much topic though...
but i still thank God for the oppt to mingle with them, to find out more abt their lives.

these are reali a group of lovely girls.

each of them with their individual probs, though can be VERY mischievous esp MIss.Weilan, but they are reali cute and entertaining :)

one of them,even told me she is having depression,wanted to quit sch, want to go IMH and think she is physcho?
she said she got so much probs at home,with herself etc etc, and i tried to counsel her of cos.... to try to cheer her up.

i mean...sigh. it's reali saddening to see these young girls being lost.
and i thank God, that finally,thr this oppt, He has opened my eyes, to let me see how much He needs me to minister to the youth,to be a frd & mentor to them.

i thanked God, cos perhaps, i am gog to do some activities with jenny(one of the girls in PL who is also 1 of Sharon's 12 - the PE fcbc teacher).
and the mischievous Weilan even sms me to ask me to text her cos she is bored.
haha. and i added her to msn too.

though,i can see myself getting stretched more and more, even as i agreed to offer to tutor my cousin for free, as my aunt is a single parenting...

but,i still thanked God.
cos life is short.
my mission statement "to make a diff in ppl's lives."

as much as i am still bothered by a lot of issues regarding my life....even with the tot of to quit or not to quit, and whether i should go into landbanking.

but, i believe,all these will not detour my decision and intention obedience to be used by the Lord.

for the Lord is good. i believe, even as i chose to be made pure and obedient. He will grant me favour. He will open doors for me. He will give me His wisdom & understanding.

for God is good & faithfulness. a l w a y s.

6:06 AM

this is how the story goes...
Monday, April 09, 2007//

One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets
of town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the
roads are wet and slick.

Suddenly, my daughter, Aspen ,
spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat. "Dad, I'm
thinking of something."
This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some
fact for a while, and was now ready to expound all
that her six-year-old mind had discovered. I was eager to hear.

" What are you thinking?" I asked.
"The rain!" she began, "is like sin, and the windshield
wipers are like God wiping our sins away."

After the chill bumps raced up my arms I was able to respond.
"That's really good, Aspen."
Then my curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take
this revelatio! n? So I asked... "Do you notice how the rain
keeps on coming? What does that tell you?"
Aspen didn't hesitate one moment with her answer: "We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us."

I will always remember this whenever I turn my wipers on.

In order to see the Rainbow, you must first endure some Rain.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

8:27 PM

fear of the Lord.

Monday, April 09, 2007The Right Kind of Fear

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
Psalm 111:10

Even the most committed believer has those moments when fear or worry can kick in. Anxiety can overtake us. Maybe we are concerned about our future, or maybe we are discouraged about some things we have done or failures we've experienced.But far too often, we are afraid of the wrong things in life, and we are not afraid of the right things or the right One.

Many people don't fear God. Yet the Bible tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.To fear God doesn't mean that we must cower in terror before Him. Rather, the fear of God has been properly defined as a wholesome dread of displeasing Him. So if I have sinned, my fear should not be based on the anticipation of what God will do to me, but on what I have done to displease Him. That is what it is to fear the Lord.

It is to love the Lord so much that you don't want to sin against Him.We need to fear God.

The remarkable thing is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else. On the other hand, if you do not fear God, then you fear everything else.David said, "The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1). Only the person who can say, "The Lord is the strength of my life" can then say, "Of whom shall I be afraid?"Maybe you feel that your life has been a failure, or maybe you are discouraged about something or afraid of something.

If you're gripped by fear and worry today, then let the Lord be the strength of your life.

8:03 PM


Have you ever read some of the crazy warning labels found on various products these days? All of these are real. I am not making any of them up.

A label on a baby stroller warns, "Remove Child Before Folding." I pity this poor kid.

A brass fishing lure with a three-pronged hook on the end warns, "Harmful if Swallowed." That is especially true if you are a fish, but I assume some human decided to give it a nibble, too.

A warning on a flushable toilet brush states, "Do not use for Personal Hygiene." Now that one is just downright frightening.

How about this label on a bottle of drain cleaner that warns, "If you do not understand, or cannot read, all directions, cautions and warnings, do not use this product." If you cannot read, how would you know what that warning label is saying? Perhaps a skull and crossbones would have done the trick.

A cartridge for a laser printer warns, "Do not Eat Toner." Thanks for the reminder. I was going to have some with my burrito today at lunch, but now that you've warned me, I'll pass.

A label on a 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow warns, "Not Intended for Highway Use." Did some guy actually do this? He must have been a fast runner!

A can of self-defense pepper spray warns users, "May Irritate Eyes." Yeah, I was kind of hoping for that, especially the eyes of the person who is attacking me!

A dishwasher carries this warning, "Do not allow Children to play in the Dishwasher." This was probably written for the same person who folded their kid in the stroller!

A household iron warns users, "Never iron clothes while they are being worn." OK, I'm going to confess to this one. I've put on a shirt, seen a wrinkle, and then ironed the wrinkled spot while wearing it. So I guess all these labels are not crazy. Or maybe they are and I am. You pick.

One final warning label. On the side of household knife: "Never Try to Catch a Falling Knife."

Ouch. God, too, has given us "warning labels" about certain things in life. He's told us there are things to embrace and things to avoid; there are things that can help us and things that can hurt us.In our warped minds, we often think that God is trying to keep something good from us, but the Bible says, "No good thing will He withhold from those that walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11). In other words, if it's a good thing, God will not only allow us to do it, He will encourage us! However, if it's a harmful thing, He will warn us for our own good.Clear back in the Garden of Eden God put a "warning label" up at a certain tree. It was called the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." The Lord warned Adam and Eve that they could eat of any of the trees except this one, because "in the day you eat of it, you would surely die" (Genesis 2:16–17). God knew that this was a poisonous tree that would kill if its fruit were eaten, and He clearly warned them not to eat from it.

Scene two. Eve at the forbidden tree.Why is it we are always attracted to that which is forbidden? Tell a child to stay out of a certain room and you can be certain he will be there the moment you turn away. It's the same with adults, too. We are instinctively drawn to that which is withheld, forbidden, and taboo.God gave Adam and Eve warning for good reason, but they ignored the "heavenly warning label" and ate of the forbidden fruit anyway.By the way, the fruit they ate was not necessarily an apple! The Bible does not tell us what kind of fruit it was, but popular culture almost always refers it to as such. Personally, an apple would have not tempted me anyway.

Now, a nice juicy peach, and we are talking!So Eve took a chomp, and then Adam followed. But why?Because Satan had made an alluring promise to them. He told them that if they ate of it "their eyes would be opened and they would be as gods" (Genesis 3:5).Isn't that what everyone would like? Doesn't everyone want to be a "little god," ruling over their own little universe?Of course, we try to order our lives that way, but it just doesn't work. Though Satan is called the "Father of Lies," he was partially telling the truth this time.

Mankind was allowed to play "god," but with tragic results.Isn't it sad to see a child lose his or her innocence? To be exposed to something that is corrupt or wicked or depraved at an early age? Because of mass media that can be found at the flip of a switch, things that would have been unspeakable just a generation ago commonly tempt our kids today. Their "eyes are opened" and they soon know more about this wicked world than they need to know. The Bible says, "I would have you well-versed and wise as to what is good, and innocent and guileless as to what is evil" (Romans 16:19).Now Adam and Eve had opened a "Pandora's Box" that could never be closed again. Their eyes were opened to earth, but closed to heaven. And all of humanity has been reaping the consequences ever since.

The deadly disease of sin entered the human race. The Bible says, "When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned" (Romans 5:12).We might say, "That's not fair! Why should the sin of Adam have an impact on me living in the 21st century?" Well, because if you were in his shoes, you would have done the same thing. And I would have, too. Because we don't read the warning labels.Thankfully, God gave a solution for the issue of sin when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this earth. He lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again from the dead. He promises if we will turn from our sins and put our faith in Him alone, we can be forgiven and enter into a personal relationship with the God from whom we are separated by sin. Now that is good news!I encourage you to open up the Bible and read what God tells you to do, and what He tells you not to do. Those heavenly "warning labels" are there for your own good.

7:39 PM

tired from trying...but God will sustain everything that is good.
Sunday, April 08, 2007//

bcos of my emotions and struggles and my own personal journey.
many ppl have become victims.
my resistance.
my frds.but most importantly,my parents esp.
i know it's wrong.but i cant get out of this selfish vicious cycle.
when i dun feel good,the whole wide world owned me.
i cant possibly continue this walk with the Lord based on my emotions.
when i feel good,i feel "pumped" up to do Lord's work.
when i feel rotten,that's it. i jus want to avoid the world.
it cant be lidat. C A N T.

for Hope doesn't disappoint.

as i was reading the FCBC daily devotion,there is this 1 phase:"if God is patient with you, why cant you be patient with Him?"

i have always been impatient in everything.since young.
everything i want it immediately,want it spontateoulsy,want it fast.
if i want it,i must have it.
else,i will get so fed up,pissed off and irritated...not forgetting, disappointed.
jus like when i seek God for help in my prayers,i was nv persistent in them.
my impatience may give me results. but often times,they wont last long.
these are fruits that are deemed as useless,temporal.

many times, i told myself OKOK, i will try, i will try, this time i am dead serious.
but often times, i only hear myself repeating this over and over again to myself.

wake up.

actions speak louder than words.
let God convict you or rather me in-side-out and out-side-in.

everything you do, dun do it out of good for yourself. to benefit yourself only. to increase your own worth or wat-so-ever.
everything you do,there must be a God-driven purpose,a God-driven force.
only God-driven mission can last long,can see victory,can see happiness,can see a purposeful journey.

but along these pain-stakingly journey.
these are the times, when i need my frds,my spiritual family.
to run in this Race. to see our Father.

God change me. change me.

7:12 AM

how great is Our God.
Friday, April 06, 2007//

worship songs jus came to my mind one after another...only if i know how to play on the guitar or the piano.
maybe,it's time to learn some instruments mans.
been such a long time since i last played my organ.

The splendor of the King,
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice,
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light,
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at his voice,
And trembles at his voice

How great is our God,
Sing with me
How great is our God,
and all will see How great,
How great
Is our God

Age to age he stands
And time is in His Hands
Beginning and the End,
Beginning and the End
The Godhead, Three in one
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb,
The Lion and the Lamb

How great is our God,
Sing with me
How great is our God,
and all will see How great,
How great
Is our God

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
how great
Is our God(x2)

How great is our God,
Sing with me
How great
is our God,
and all will see How great,
How great
Is our God

How great
is our God,
Sing with me
How great
is our God,
and all will see How great,
How great
Is our God

10:34 PM

my heart of worship

when i was worshipping with the song "jesus died for me"...
another song came to my mind...,it was this song "For You alone."

You are the peace that guards my heart
My help in times of need
You are the hope that leads me on
And brings me to my knees
For there I find You waiting
And there I find release
So with all my heart I worship
And unto You I'll sing

For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father we worship and adore You
Father we long to see Your face
For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father we love You
And we worship You this day

10:28 PM


Jesus Died For Me (K=A) 1/2
Isaiah Pang Kia Seng
Signs Of His Faithfulness version

A F#m
Grace and mercy flowing freely from the throne
Bm7 E
As I sleep He sings to me in a gentle tone
C#m F#m
He is my Father the greatest King that I know
And I thank Him for His love

A F#m
My salvation and my King who deserves my praise
My God Almighty who loves me
And did not hide His face
C#m F#m
He walked the road and He carried my Cross
He laid His life and He died to save the lost

A F#m
He had no beauty or majesty
Dmaj7 Esus
A man of sorrow and familiar with suffering
C#m F#m
God struck His Son for me for me
Dmaj7 E
What have I done to deserve love like this
A F#m
A Son of God my guilt offering
Dmaj7 Esus
Nailed to the Cross and stripped for all to see
C#m F#m
God crushed His Son for me for me
Though no de - ceit was found in His mouth
This righteous man (Jesus Christ)
Esus A I - repeat chorus
Died on the Cross to set me free

To go to verse, play
Esus A I A . D/E E I
Died on the Cross to set me free

To end, play
A I F#m7 I
Died on the Cross to set me free

B G#m
Grace and mercy flowing freely from the throne
C#m7 F#
As I sleep He sings to me in a gentle tone
Ebm G#m
He is my Father the greatest King that I know
E F#
And I thank Him for His love

B G#m
My salvation and my King who deserves my praise
My God Almighty who loves me
And did not hide His face
Ebm G#m
He walked the road and He carried my Cross
E F# I F# I
He laid His life and He died to save the lost

B G#m
He had no beauty or majesty
Emaj7 F#sus
A man of sorrow and familiar with suffering
Ebm G#m
God struck His Son for me for me
Emaj7 F#
What have I done to deserve love like this
B G#m
A Son of God my guilt offering
Emaj7 F#sus
Nailed to the Cross and stripped for all to see
Ebm G#m
God crushed His Son for me for me
Though no de - ceit was found in His mouth
This righteous man (Jesus Christ)
F#sus B I - repeat chorus
Died on the Cross to set me free

To go to verse, play
F#sus B I B . E/F# F# I
Died on the Cross to set me free

To end, play
B I G#m7 I
Died on the Cross to set me free
E . F# . I B II

10:14 PM

God sent His son for me.

"He had no beauty or majesty
Tied on the cross and stripped for all to see
God crushed his son, for me...for me
What have i done to deserve a love like this..."

i thanked God for a wonderful Good friday event, with all the helps that i have received.

it was stressful to be part of the committee.

but God sent me good angels to help to oversee the whole event.

i thanked God cos i gotta swop shift today, to enjoy the presence of my lovely spiritual family members. esp those who are in Mabel's cell. been a long time since i got connected to them..prob 1 year.

still remember the last time, we had whole lotsa fun was during the retreat camp at PLMGS.

time flies...

i tot i've somehow managed to overcome part of it.

till today.till i saw, and the emotions building up were jus too much for me to handle.

i tried, but i cant. i failed and it's diff to pick yourself up over and over again.

i hate to lie. and i have to admit.i cant,i am not ok.

i am a human.God knows i have real issues in my life to resolve.

but i dun wish to withdrawn anymore. i need to face it, the hard and painful way.

i cant turn away and start running away.

i gotta chose the only 1 way.

the God's direction.

i dun know, for i am lost.

i am lost,and seems like i have never been found in this area.

it's like a bottomless pit. gog deeper and deeper.

h-e-l-p. i know You are here.

9:32 AM

Tuesday, April 03, 2007//

9:27 AM

ong yan ying - sapphire. Blue.

after reading Eejay blog, i went to do a search myself too.

these are wat i found from google search:

(1) Process Analysis and Optimization on PECVD Amorphous Silicon on Glass Substrate
Yan Ying Ong et al 2006 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 34 812-817 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/34/1/134

Process Analysis and Optimization on PECVD Amorphous Silicon on ...
Yan Ying Ong et al 2006 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. ... By author. Yan Ying Ong, Bang Tao Chen, Francis E H Tay, Ciprian Iliescu. IOP CrossRef Search - Similar pages[ More results from ]

this is the FYP conference paper i published with my colleagues in IBN.

(2) ONG YAN YING MPE3 A/Prof Yap, Chris

Name Course Mentor A.P.A.BINDU SARAN MPE3 Prof Tay, AO ABDULLAH ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLA/Prof Khoo, BC. ONG YAN YING. MPE3. A/Prof Yap, Chris. ONG YUE NING MARIA. MPE2. A/Prof Lai, MO. ONG ZHENG WEI EDWIN. MPE2. Dr Quan, CG. ONG ZHENYAO TOMMY - Similar pages

me and my mentor name.

(3) Ong Yan YingNational University of Singapore

YRP Book Layout
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLOng Wen Siong, Nicholas. St Andrew’s Junior College. Ong Yan Ying. National University of Singapore. Ong Yue Ning, Maria. National University of Singapore - Similar pages

name from IBN for the FYP students attached.

thats all i found. so little right?
i wish my name could be google searched for more relevant and impactful reasons.
for fame and for glory?
hmm, i dun think so.
to exalt God truly. period?
i do hope that's the reason to want to have a more impactful google search?

only God knows my heart. i dun even know it myself.


and so i came across this website.

it was toking about sapphire...

SapphireIn earlier times, some people believed that the firmament was an enormous blue sapphire in which the Earth was embedded. Could there be a more apt image to describe the beauty of an immaculate sapphire? And yet this gem comes not in one but in all the blue shades of that firmament, from the deep blue of the evening sky to the shining mid-blue of a lovely summer's day which casts its spell over us. However, this magnificent gemstone also comes in many other colours: not only in the transparent greyish-blue of a distant horizon but also in the gloriously colourful play of light in a sunset – in yellow, pink, orange and purple. Sapphires really are gems of the sky, although they are found in the hard ground of our 'blue planet'. Blue is the main colour of the sapphire. Blue is also the favourite colour of some 50 per cent of all people, men and women alike. We associate this colour, strongly linked to the sapphire as it is, with feelings of sympathy and harmony, friendship and loyalty: feelings which belong to qualities that prove their worth in the long term – feelings in which it is not so much effervescent passion that is to the fore, but rather composure, mutual understanding and indestructible trust. Thus the blue of the sapphire has become a colour which fits in with everything that is constant and reliable. That is one of the reasons why women in many countries wish for a sapphire ring on their engagement. The sapphire symbolises loyalty, but at the same time it gives expression to people's love and longing. Perhaps the most famous example of this blue is to be found in music, in George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue". And the blue of the sapphire even appears where nothing at all counts except clear-sightedness and concentrated mental effort. The first computer which succeeded in defeating a world chess champion bore the remarkable name 'Deep Blue'.

Top-quality sapphires are rareSapphires, call them gemstones of the sky though we may, lie well hidden in just a few places, and first have to be brought to light through hard work. Sapphires are found in India, Burma, Ceylon, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Brazil and Africa. From the gemstone mines, the raw crystals are first taken to the cutting-centres where they are turned into sparkling gemstones by skilled hands. When cutting a sapphire, indeed, the cutter has to muster all his skill, for these gemstones are not only hard. Depending on the angle from which you look at them they also have different colours and intensities of colour. So it is the job of the cutter to orientate the raw crystals in such a way that the colour is brought out to its best advantage.Depending on where they were found, the colour intensity and hue of the cut stones vary, which means, later on, that the wearer is rather spoilt for choice. Should she perhaps go for a mid-blue stone which will remind her even on rainy days of that shining summer sky? Or should she prefer a lighter blue because it will continue to sparkle vivaciously when evening falls? The bright light of day makes most sapphires shine more vividly than the more subdued artificial light of evening. So in fact it is not, as is often claimed, the darkest tone that is the most coveted colour of the blue sapphire, but an intense, rich, full blue which still looks blue in poor artificial light.Specialists and connoisseurs regard the Kashmir colour with its velvety shine as the most beautiful and most valuable blue. These magnificent gemstones from Kashmir, found in 1880 after a landslide at an altitude of 16,000 feet and mined intensively over a period of eight years, were to have a lasting influence on people's idea of the colour of a first-class sapphire. Typical of the Kashmir colour is a pure, intense blue with a very subtle violet undertone, which is intensified yet more by a fine, silky shine. It is said that this hue does not change in artificial light. But the Burmese colour is also regarded as particularly valuable. It ranges from a rich, full royal blue to a deep cornflower blue. The oldest sapphire finds are in Ceylon, or Sri Lanka as it is known today. There, people were already digging for gemstones in ancient times. The specialist recognises Ceylon sapphires by the luminosity of their light to mid-blue colours. Having said that, most blue sapphires come either from Australia or from Thailand.Their value depends on their size, colour and transparency. With stones of very fine quality, these are, however, not the only main criteria, the origin of the gem also playing a major role. Neither is the colour itself necessarily a function of the geographical origin of a sapphire, which explains the great differences in price between the various qualities. The most valuable are genuine Kashmir stones. Burmese sapphires are valued almost as highly, and then come the sapphires from Ceylon. The possibility of the gemstone's having undergone some treatment or other is also a factor in determining the price, since gemstones which can be guaranteed untreated are becoming more and more sought-after in this age of gemstone cosmetics. And if the stone selected then also happens to be a genuine, certificated Kashmir or Burmese, the price will probably reflect the enthusiasm of the true gemstone lover. It is not often that daring pioneers discover gemstones on a scale such as was the case on Madagascar a few years ago, when a gemstone deposit covering an area of several miles was found in the south-east of the island. Since then, not only have there been enough blue sapphires in the trade, but also some splendid pink and yellow sapphires of great beauty and transparency. Meanwhile, experts in Tanzania have also found initial evidence of two large-scale gemstone deposits in the form of some good, if not very large sapphire crystals coloured blue, green, yellow and orange. And the third country to register new finds recently was Brazil, where sapphires ranging from blue to purple and pink have been discovered. So lovers of the sapphire need not worry: there will, in future, be enough of these 'heavenly' gems with the fine colour spectrum. Top-quality sapphires, however, remain extremely rare in all the gemstone mines of the world.

it's weird.
i have never google search what does sapphire reali represents, even though i name my blog and my nick sapphire.

as i was google searching sapphire8, this was the website i saw.

surprised. blue is the colour to represent sapphire. and i like blue.
and the qualities that describes totally shot right to the point of my heart.
yes,that was my heart. what i always believe i want to become as a person.

until i read, sapphire were rare gem.
still remembered, when i asked sharon, why is there only nan-jing,bei-jing and dong-jing. but there is no xi-jing.

and on my bday 2006, sharon prayed that God will reveal this xi-jing to me, reveal where this place will be. And angel prayed the 5th "s" which is special.

as i was reading this Blog.i jus felt God telling me. i was the xi-jing. i was the sapphire.

and it reali touches me.
when i loaded this website, and saw the gem and beautiful blue, i teared.
cos i know it's from God.

it must be from God.

8:57 AM

i thanked God. again.
Monday, April 02, 2007//

i thanked God though yday was horrible,i was so stressed, so i gotta do profiling for my 1SWJ02.
sigh,i been 5mths since i last touched on it.
so God is reali Good.
He sent carolina to help to do it together & to discuss, to tok to me (in a way of calming me i feel).
He gave me a quite a peaceful night where the issues can be taken care by my reliable MS.
and He gave me a good shift colleague,frd,sister Huiyi to help me.
though i failed, from 230-630, 4hrs. still couldnt get it, but i Thanked God.
i learnt alot.
at least from today, i know the next time i do profiling, i will be more careful to take note of the important things, i will be more familiar with doing it.

i thanked God.

huiyi spoke to me quite sometimes.
and i jus repeat it to diff Alan last night before huiyi repeat it to me again.

it's the people in ST. like what boss raymond always mentioned. it's the ppl.
everyone is nice. bosses are nice. colleagues are nice. every shift i go, i have frds. though i do not know that, i can chat with them, lunch with them, engage with them.

but management is sulky,pay not high, job scope is not what i want.

but the people simply overcomes them all.

i keep asking myself, do i foresee long term in ST. not toking about years of working here. what rather talking about advancement here.
from shift to normalshift to techinical to coordinator etc etc.

my answer is NO.
i do not want.
cos i reali dun have interest to find out about the machine parts. throttle valve,barathron,plasma,turbulence etc etc.
these BOMBASTIC words doesnt make sense to me.

like what i spoke to jikwang on sat night.
huiyi (my colleague), i respect you a lot.
bcos i know you work hard for your handover partner and bosses. bcos of your respectable work attitude.
that's why i keep on moving.
that's why when i know i am gog to handover to you, i will want to fight even harder for you.

i tried to make myself interested in the processes, in the flts and warnings and troubleshoot.
yes, i am able to understand them, to try to troubleshoot, to try to understand the make-up of the machines.
and yes, i am improving...

BUt. there is no JOY.
there is no JOY, cos i feel obliged to learn it up.
i am doing these not for myself.
but for my very good bosses like alex,alywin,beh,raymond and you huiyi.
that's why i try not to screw things up.

but to leave or not to leave, where to go, when to go etc etc.
i am leaving all to God.
i am begining to surrender.
i am begining to acknowledge that perhaps i am not even something. i am nothing.
i am nothing without God.
and with God, i have everything.

what good does a man have if you have everything, but do not know God. do not have a relationship with this heavenly Father? do not understand His heart.

it's saddening.

this song came into my head..."let the weak says i am strong, let the poor says i am rich, let the blind says i can see, that's what the Lord has done for me..."

1:56 AM

SApphire's Inner World

THIS IS MY STORY... hmmm...a Virgo, a High C individual...Helper, AChiever & Loyalist. lots of expectation for myself..perhaps also for the ppl around me. dun like to face failure and disappointment, but i am definitely learning. a Passive person, but as long as i appreciate the person, i will take the first step and get out of my comfort zone. the Language of my love for the person that i cherish will be time. the greater the time and effort spend on the person, the more important the person is to me in my life. A stubborn, hot tempered, emotional, pessimistic gal.Loner. "Anti-social" tagged by most people if you judge me by the first impression =) i graduated in NUS as a mechanical engineer. i tried working in STMicroelectronics as a process engineer. but found that this is somethg that i dun reali enjoy. because i know God has created me differently. He has made me with a passion to be with ppl. He has gave me a gift to make frds and minister to ppl. He has gave me a unique ability to make sincere relationship. bcos Christ reigns in me. so after becoming a engineer for a while, i quited and i am currently working in Walton international Grp(S) PTE LTD as a landbanker now. it's a career that i reali enjoy bcos i get to meet all walks of ppl in my life. i get to help ppl to better invest in a correct way. to analyse together with my cients the oppt and not jus to do hard selling. cos i dun believe in that. i like to share. Not only so, I am also Volunteering under Touch Community Service in my Church, Volunteering in NYC as well as Sunday school :) right now, my only Wish is to become even closer with Christ in this beauty journey of my Life. i am a full time Christian & only a part time daughter, frd, landbanker, sportsman etc... Lord, everything i have belongs to You... drop me an email: or 97545658 (Walton) or 90997000 (DTZ)

SApphire's Favourites

To have Harmony & Peace. DayDreaming, Eating, Sleeping, Exercising, Catching up with peeps, Reading, Shopping, having LOTSSS of $$$, Travelling, meeting new ppl everyday :) I love Real Estate. most importantly, to be in the presence of God!

Precious Words

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