Wednesday, March 29, 2006//

Encouragement for Today

"The Driving Force of Love"
Lysa TerKeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries

Key Verse:
Genesis 29:20, "So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed
like only a few days to him because of his love for her." (NIV)

Have you ever been so crazy in love with someone that you were willing to do
anything, at any cost, enduring any hardship to make it happen? I'm sure many
of us could say that our husbands were worth this kind of persistence (and
hopefully still are). But could we say that about our relationship with

One of my favorite love stories in the Bible is that of Jacob and Rachel.
Jacob's love for Rachel gave him purpose and perspective which led to amazing
persistence even when he was continually denied his right to marry her. He
served Rachel's father for many years to become her husband because he loved
her so much. And the best part is that it never bothered him how difficult it
would be to finally win her, because he was willing to do whatever it would
take. I think this story can paint a great picture for us as we press on in
our journey heavenward.

If we dig into Scripture, I believe we will find that love is and should be the
driving force behind the Christian life. In fact, Jesus made it clear when he
said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the
second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the
Prophets hang on these two commandments" (Matthew 23:37-40, NIV). In
other words, the entire Law of God is summed up in relation to love. Just
think about it: Do not kill (love your neighbor). Do not worship idols (love
God). Do not commit adultery (love your neighbor). All sin breaks the bonds
of love in some way - be it against God or someone else.

Now that we see love is necessary to please God, let's take it a step further
and ask ourselves how it will spur us on in the mission that God has set before
us to reach the lost. First, if we do not love God with all of our hearts, we
will never have the persistence to walk in faith during the trials that are
sure to come. When we love, it allows us to trust. If we don't love God, how
can we trust that He will see us through?

Second, if we're not committed to loving one another, we can't have the purpose
needed to fulfill The Great Commission Jesus gave his disciples - to preach the
Gospel to all peoples. Until we have an aching heart for the lost that is
truly born out of love, we won't be able to put aside our own agendas for
purposeful opportunities necessary to make that happen.

Do you see what love can do for our pursuit of the Kingdom of God? A real sign
of spiritual maturity is when we begin to look to God not for comfort and
convenience, but for purpose and perspective. With these we can persevere
through potential difficulties and setbacks along the way. We can see hope in
what may seem like fruitless years of spiritual labor for the lost - either in
sharing the Gospel or simply praying for someone.

Like Jacob, a persistent person looks to handle the challenges of the Christian
life in a way that honors God and allows personal spiritual growth. The prize
may take years to win, but it will be well worth the effort. The inheritance
is matchless and untouchable. Because we love God, we look for and trust in
His purpose for everything. When you are crazy in love with someone, you'll do
anything for them - and do it with the highest level of sheer joy. I want to
be so crazy in love with Jesus that not only do I serve Him unreservedly, but
do it with absolute delight and great expectation!

9:30 AM

Tuesday, March 28, 2006//

For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY Son.
Loving is indeed sacrificing.

a Long day for SApphire.
yet, i could feel the PEace in the midst of Chaos.

very tired now.
so much to do, yet i refused to do.
jus wanna lie on my bed, watch tv and be still.

dun know why, but SApphire realli miss God today.
i know He has always been with me.
but i think it's the emptiness within that's stirring this emotion.

maybe when you are reali humbled. when you feel totally empty. feel like nothing. feel like you have nothing. feel that everything good has passed and belong to the past.

perhaps, that's why i miss Him.
cos i need to be back at the Cross once again.
to be restored by Him once again.

Confidence and Faith in Him.

9:49 PM

Monday, March 27, 2006//

welcome back!!!! XD

miss ya so much man! HAHAHA.

gonna call you Doc. Hong soonz le man!
HAHA. 1 more year, it will be time for DOC. Zheng to ORD too le!

10:57 AM

Friday, March 24, 2006//

SApphire is SOOOOOOOOOOO stressed now!
i got soooooooooo much work to do!
things i tot are done, need to be re-done!
so much things to researchhhhhhhhhhhh on!


BUT, sapphire is yet ironically HAPPY!!!!!
Australia here i come 7th May to 22nd May!!!
Brisbane! Gold Coast! Melbourne!
HAHA. me ver and weiling are goingggggggggggg!!!
cant wait. :)

BUT, before i can dream of Aust.
i need to dream of my FYP, science of Music, MicroSensor and Actuator.

sigh.back to reality.

3:30 PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006//

sapphire may be good at maths.
but somehow my calculation in ONE AREA always screw up.
i know it. but still, pyschologically, it seems to be the wiser choice.
but deep down, i know it's bullshit.


last week, i went home for a lot of days.
and i know that the relationship at home is getting a bit better.
that's the reason why i chose to go home.
cos i know that everytime when i am pissed, i will run back to hall or jus go out until LATE at night.
but this time round, i chose to face it. to be at home.
sapphire cant run again anymore, cos 7 more weeks, and i will be back HOME SWEET HOME. */-_-"\*

good or not? subjective.
there are still a lot of things that i can make a big fuss out of it at home.too many.
but i chose to shut up. BUT, perhaps if i can say it out nicer. i tink it will help.
cos my anger and bu-shuang-ness is definitely suppressed. not resolved.

and i still remember PS said once that your feelings can be so suppressed (which maybe you didnt know) that one day, when a spoon falls onto the ground at home, you will just uncontrollably start making a big fuss of it, explode and then start bringing all the irrelevant issues out to quarrel.

and you will wonder why. its only a spoon after all.

so, i tried.
i told my mum to remove all the irrelevant things in my 2 drawers (in fact there are MOREEEEEEEEEEEEE) that doesnt belong to me at all by the evening. and when i was back in the afternoon, it was already done.
indeed, i was very amazed by it. somehow, i was touched and think i should start showing a bit more respect and appreciation.

then, i went back to hall and my mummy did something stupid AGAIN. to piss me up.

and i came back home AGAIN.
and somehow, on that night, i told her "not-very-nicely" that can she jus STOP calling me.
and she ask why? why cant i call you?

i know it's stupid. she calls me cos she cares about me etc etc...
but to me.

i felt TOTALLY suffocating.
1 day she can call like 2-3 times. (high call rate!)
sometimes once. (low call rate!)
and when she calls she always say and ask stupid and super obvious and bo-liao things. and i know she is concerned with me lah.
that's why i recognised that it's my prob and not hers.
but what makes me very bu shuang and DL is i think "a decent 23 yr old lady should deserve some decent privacy and freedom"

my mummy got married at age 20, gave birth to me at 21.
at the age of 23, does my grandma does that to her?
OH WELL, yes. there's no hp. HAHA. but that's NOT the point.

but i know that after i told her that, i think she felt very hurt and dun know if she got cry.
but once again, i am a bastard.
all along, i know that she always try very hard to communicate with me.
but then, it's jus me.
i jus refuse to communicate. unlike my brother.
haha. which is good.
cos when he is at home and in a good mood.
my mummy will change target from ME to my DIDI.
definitely, i am happy with that.
cos sapphire really loves going home. but best when i am alone.

sapphire is a loner?
i think sapphire enjoys being alone.
but that doesnt make me a loner.
its not reversible equation, not bi-directional mechanism, not equivalent.
izzit?? dun know man.

but the point that i want to say is:

no one is perfect.
everyone is learning.
everyone has flaws.
but dun forget their good points too.

to love yourself is to accept yourself - as a whole package.
and then to accept others - as a whole package. i mean whole.
u can be selective. but still, its always like "buying 1 good point" and comes "2 flaws free".
what to do?
packaging always come with the content that you are buying. XD

and remember, many times when we criticise others of their faults and the things that simply makes us pissed and sibei dl.
remember, you are not that fantastic after all.
haha. no solution.

Sapphire is still struggling and dying.
surrendering. waving that whiteeee littllleeee flaggggg! XD
but i know we jus gotta try.

when you feel pissed, take a deep breath and say, " ZHE GE SHI JIE SHI DUO MO DE MEI HAO."
haha! tell me if it works! XD

sapphire is sooo addicted to this song.
黑暗中的我们都没有说话 一直想回家 不想你回家
寂寞深的太让人害怕 温柔你的手
轻轻揉著我的发 你的媚颜说你渴望我拥抱
你身体却在拼命它 等欲望在燃烧
你爱我还是他 是不是真的他有比我好
为谁在挣扎 你爱我还是他
就说出你所说的真心话 你到底要跟我还是他

爱 爱 爱 这是不是命运对我的惩罚
爱你也没办法 恨你也没办法
却让我也比拖下 AH~ 你的眉眼说你不渴望我拥抱
每当爱变成了煎熬 你就开始要逃

你爱我还是他 是不是我可以做他的好
为谁在挣扎 你爱我还是他

我宁愿听到残忍的回答 也不要再被耍
我就是那么傻 爱我还是他
我应该明白吗 爱我是他噢
你都已看不到我们的好 我还会心牵挂


10:00 AM

"How great is our God."
Tuesday, March 14, 2006//

Encouragement for Today

"Seeing God in Everything"
Lysa TerKeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries

Key Verse:
Hebrews 3: 12-14, "See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful,
unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one
another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be
hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ if we hold
firmly till the end the confidence we had a first."

I was discouraged. In two month's time, my life went from being wonderfully
fulfilling and clicking right along to completely topsy-turvy. My computer
went on the blink and some very important documents disappeared. A big book
deal I was counting on fell through. Our well broke, and we had to go several
days without water. A diamond fell out of my wedding ring. I was caught in a
whirlwind of emotions.

Then on top of that, my husband blew out his knee and had to have major
reconstructive surgery, leaving him bedridden for nearly five weeks. I didn't
know whether to laugh or cry. A friend of mine hit the nail on the head when
she said, "Lysa, I think when you go with God to a new level you get a new
devil." While I'm not sure about the exact theological correctness of
that statement, I believe it is worth considering.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Your life is going great. Your
family is doing great. Your finances are right where they need to be. The
health of loved ones is stable. Your faith and confidence in the Lord is
unshakable as you see His blessings all around you, and then WHAM!!! Out of
nowhere, everything goes wrong. Today's key verse reflects the response that
the Israelites had to this type of situation and I believe it is applicable to
us as well.

After years of being slaves in Egypt, God used one miracle after another to
deliver the Israelites out of bondage. In awe and worship, they joyfully made
their way across the Red Sea. However, as their journey continued they saw
little of the riches God had promised would come. Their basic needs were met
but it wasn't enough so their confidence in His ability to do all things began
to slowly dissolve, and eventually they acquired sinful, unbelieving hearts
that turned away from the living God.

When Art hurt his knee, we prayed that the injury was minor and surgery wouldn't
be required. We just knew that God was going to go before us and make the way
smooth. However, when the test results came back, we faced one of the worst
knee injuries the doctor had ever seen. Simply looking at the circumstances
and the doctor's report, we might have been tempted to get pulled into Satan's
lie that God had not answered our prayers and that He was not trustworthy
though His Word told us otherwise.

So what do we do with the fact that my very athletic husband is out of
commission for several months? What about my feelings of frustration and being
overwhelmed with three small children when my husband needs constant attention
and unconditional love - even on days when I'm too tired to give it? Honestly,
I started to get a little frustrated with God. The confidence I previously had
in trusting He would meet all our needs was gone - and Satan was having a field

Satan hates the radically obedient soul that trusts God even when things aren't
looking so bright. He hates it when a person jumps off the fence of
complacency and into the center of God's will - even when it doesn't make
sense. He wants to deceive us into thinking that we can't fully trust God's
heart or put our confidence in Him. I am convinced that Satan wants to keep my
perspective in a place where my heart is discouraged and my mind is questioning
God. Yet God's Word calls me to rejoice in all that He is doing in and through
me during the difficult times. If you are currently going through a time where
it doesn't seem that God is coming through for you, I challenge you not to
allow Satan to deceive you into unbelief. Keep that confidence you had in Him
when things were going well, and believe Him for big things to come!

8:38 AM

Saturday, March 11, 2006//

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Purpose of Prayer

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

— James 4:3

Why do we pray for certain things? What is the purpose of prayer? Perhaps if we didn't first think about it, if we just said what came to mind, we would say that it is to get things from God.

Then there are some who would tell us that if we name it and claim it and ask for it in Jesus' name, then God must give it to us. But this is nonsense. It distorts the purpose of prayer.

It comes down to our motives in prayer. When James warned, "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures" (James 4:3), he was saying, "Because of your lust for pleasure, because of your obsession with self, it can even affect your prayer life." If I pray about something and yet my motive is wrong, then my prayer will go unanswered.

Prayer is not getting my will in heaven; prayer is getting God's will on Earth. Prayer is not trying to convince God to do what I want Him to do; prayer is a process that I go through in which I learn the will of God and live accordingly.

Am I suggesting that God will not answer a prayer that is outside of His will? Yes. Does this mean that God will inspire us in what to pray for and that is all we should pray for? In a nutshell, yes. God wants us to get into alignment with Him and start praying for the things that will bring glory to His name. And when we start praying like that, we will start seeing our prayers answered in the affirmative.

12:15 AM

"Wonderfully & Fearfully Made."
Friday, March 10, 2006//

Encouragement for Today
(Principle #1)

"I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
Melissa Taylor, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member

Key Verse:
Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (NIV)

If you were asked to describe yourself, what would you say? Most of us would
probably be modest and humble in our responses, answering something like,
"Oh, I'm 5'4'' and have blondish-brown hair," or "I'm just a
mom," or "There's not much to me; I'm just a plain old girl."
It's hard for most, including myself, to accept a compliment. Just yesterday,
my neighbor told me how good my hair looked. Instead of saying, "Thank
you", I replied, "Do you think? It's a frizzy mess in all this
rain!" Why do we do this? Why not respond with a hearty, "thank
you," and accept the compliment?

I've noticed when I give someone a compliment, often I get a response that
negates the compliment I just gave (like my example above). Not so with my
four-year-old daughter, Hayley Grace. I'll tell her, "Hayley Grace, you
look beautiful today." She'll say back, "I know Mommy, I am
'blutiful'." Then I'll ask, "How did you get so beautiful?"
Everytime she says, "Because God made me that way." She believes it
too. When do we lose the belief that God made us beautiful? Do you believe
that about yourself? Did you ever?

Hayley Grace believes that because that's what we, her Mommy and Daddy, have
told her. There's no reason for her to believe any differently. She trusts
us. Oh, how I pray that she'll always believe that. Realistically though, I
know that won't be easy. Once she begins comparing herself to others or
listening to a voice that doesn't speak truth, she'll question if she really is
beautiful. I know that because I struggle with it daily myself.

Hayley Grace recently brought home a picture from preschool that she made. To
me it looked like a baked potato with legs and a smile. I asked her to tell me
about this lovely creation she made. She said in a very proud voice,
"It's a picture of you, Mommy. Isn't it 'blutiful'?" Of course, I
replied, "Oh, yes it is." This picture I viewed with question, was
viewed by its maker as a masterpiece. She was so proud of it.

Our Maker, our Creator, the One who designed us, views His creations (us) the
same way. He didn't goof up when He made us, because He is a perfect God
incapable of making mistakes. What we may view as flawed, unworthy, unlovely,
or imperfectly made, He views as "fearfully and wonderfully made".

Just like I had to ask the creator of my picture to tell me about it in order to
get the truth and facts about her masterpiece, I also need to ask my Creator
the truth and facts about me. Well, I did, and this is what He had to say. By
the way, He says the same thing about you too!

"I made you, I created you." (Psalm 119:73)
"I will bring you unfailing love and comfort, just as I promised."
(Psalm 119:76)
"I will watch over you. I will not sleep." (Psalm 121:3)
"You are my gift to the world." (Psalm 127:3)
"I don't keep a record of your sins." (Psalm 130:3)
"I will work out MY plans for your life. I will not abandon you, for I
made you." (Psalm 138:8)
"I have examined your heart and I know everything about you." (Psalm
"I made every part of you. I knew you before you were born." (Psalm
"I made you wonderful." (Psalm 139:14)
"I know the plans I have for you. I have plans for you to prosper and not
to bring you harm. I have plans to give you hope and a future. You will call
on Me and come and pray to Me. I will listen to you. When you seek Me with
all your heart, you will find Me." (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Want to know the honest-to-God truth about yourself? Don't ask someone else,
and don't ask yourself. Ask the One who made you Himself. You are
"fearfully and wonderfully made" my "blutiful" sister, and
don't ever forget it!

My Prayer for Today:
Dear Lord, Thank You for loving me and making me for Your unique and special
reason. I know I serve a great purpose in Your Kingdom because You made me.
Forgive me when I forget that and forgive me for listening to what others think
of me. Help me to feel Your love today and equip me to give that love to all
those I come in contact with. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Application Steps:
Read over the verses that say what God thinks of you this morning and again
tonight before you go to bed. Do this daily until you believe them. Write in
a journal how it makes you feel to be loved this much!

Reflection Points:
Am I comparing myself with others?

Do I like myself?

Do I believe that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made"? Why?
(Because God said so that's why!)

Power Verses:
1 Samuel 16:7b, "...The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man
looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (NIV)

Romans 8:1, "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ
Jesus." (NLT)

Romans 8:31b, "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" (NLT)

Psalm 138:8, "The Lord will work out his plans for my life---for your
faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made
me." (NLT)

haha, everytime when i hear this verse, i will always remember Hong QiaoYun.
HAHA. she is the first person to expose me to this verse :)

11:33 PM

Thursday, March 09, 2006//

thanksss dearie for lending me your lappie tonight! :)
hope you have great fun @ MOS.
i shall go another day...errr..when it's ladies night with deedee! XD

back in hall...finally after 7 good days at home!
shall do that more in the many weeks to come!
home is good.
and i have become a better girl too. :)
happy with my performance this 7 days!
prayers indeed make sapphire a happier and better person too!

anyway, good news! my fyp presentation confirm will end on 5th may!i told deedee le!
australiaaaaa, here i come!

ocbc called me on tues to tell me that i am shortlisted and wants me to go for interview, but then too bad! it clashes with my test this week, so i told her to schedule it next week in stead.
and she told me she will check with her manager and confirm with me again..
HAHA...yet till now!!!! she still haven call meeeeeee!!

surprisingly...i am not sad at all man! instead, i felt relieved.
haha...cos i think i reali want to work in a semiconductor firm for my first job.
UNLESS, i cannot take it, then i will consider other industry bah!

one of my engine frd told me this verse today and i am still meditating over it
"to love your neighbour as urself."
during the conversation, there are some other stuffs that struck me.
haha...guess sapphire will need some time to digest them.
but i still thank God for such a good Brother! and esp He's from my church!

fri is here agaiN!
time for sapphire to go home agaiN! happy...
but then the tot of sunday makes me sad again..
HAHA....sigh. cos its a ONE WHOLE DAY KANA BURNT thinggy!!! group...
alright, it shall be a Holy day for Sapphire then.

so many datelines to meet.
but cant be bothered.
bigger issues and more important things that need to be dealt with.
waiting for Him to complete His work in me.


DKNY. Donna Karan New York.


11:14 PM

Sunday, March 05, 2006//

my mind for these past few days have been chaotic.
couldnt even find a time slot when i can jus find some personal time for myself and for Him.
or rather, more and more issues are surfacing and i am realising.
this time round, i am not running away anymore.
i am going to face it. face it strongly with His might. not mine anymore.
many things i need to learn.
Pastor sermon on Love was good.
looking forward to his Hope sermon. thats what QY prayed for me for my xmas prezzie.
Hope doesnt disappoint.
this verse has always been accompanying since that day.
very happy to see QY on sun after soooo long.
but yet, didnt really have a chance to tok to her much.
i always tot i am a rather sociable person, a person who can relate pretty well with people. and i still think so.
but when it comes to ppl whom i reali reali care a lot.
this is not easy.
passiveness is the wall that always hinder SApphire from deepening any relationship.
my language of love is effort and time. not words nor actions.
i will be there to "mo mo zi ci" but yet will not show it out.
jus not me.
haha. maybe i should start learning.
smsed QY today to ask if she wanan go grad trip with me, but too bad! she couldnt make it. when she is going to start work, i jus started my fyp presentation.
nvmmmmm. next time bah. reali hope there will be a chance to go overseas with her!
i bet it will be FUN.FUN.FUN.
mummy is coming back from Penang.
happy and yet not happy.

SApphire started blogging bcos i tot it will be personal space for me.
after finally i realised.
my personal space and privacy onli exist with Him alone.
man often tries all ways. to run in all directions. to source for all possible ways. to sacrifice everything.
jus to find that something.
when in fact. it was already there. without any cost, without us needing to do ANYTHING.
bcos, He has done everything.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His ONLY begotten Son.
that is how much God loves me. loves you.
Love should be showed through actions and deeds.
this is something that i am going to face it.
sapphire is NOT going to run away anymore.
i know that all these while, God is bringing me thr some stuff and i am seeing it.
this time round, i reali would like God to complete the thing that He is dealing with.
seriously dun like things to be left hanging there.

waiting patiently for the semiconductors firms to contact me for interview.
keeping my fingers crossed.
i think i know what i want in my life finally.
but i wonder if that's what my Daddy wants me to do.
still searching and listening and recognising hard.
Hope Daddy will reveal to me soon.

feel like going overseas. not to chiong over the food nor shopping sales.
but to rest there. to look at the seas, the mountains.
the stars, the moon.
the landscape, the scenery.
the beautiful things that God created in the 6 days.

spend 100 bucks that day.
bought 2 tops, i bottom and i coat.
all formal wear. haha. indeed Sapphire cant wait to go for interview and work.

i never knew i am such a spendthrift.
its good to have money.
yet its dangerous to have money.
the more you have, the more you know you are capable of earning, your spending power simply goes exponentially UP.
the less you have, the more you will appreciate. and the more you will have.
IRONIC.yes. it is.

g12 conference coming.
yet, sapphire aint excited at all.
haha. sorry, i jus want to be frank.
i know that i am going bcos i need to go. yap. obligations.
but its okie. i know that God will definitely use that to speak to me de.
He always does. always. haha.
He always has a way...very amazing.HAHA.

my cousin gog to bangkok soon and i am going to ask her to help me get some stuff too.
haha. sigh. spending money again.

watched moulin rouge yday...for the ....8 times?
haha. dun know man.
simply love that show.
everytime i watched, i will cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy at the ending!
loved the show so much.
it's good to jus sit in front of the tv, munching on some stupid stuff and most imptly ALONE at home. watching some reali nice shows.
personal time. love it.

yet, sApphire needs to learn to get out of this comfort zone.
God is dealing with me.
i know He is.
and i am allowing Him this time face.
it maybe difficult,may end up ugly? i dun know. hope not bah.
but, definitely not running away.

finally, i think i shouldnt keep giving in anymore with some stuff.
if you reali dun want to do it with a good reason. nobody should influence and affect you.
there's a need to learn to compromise.
but there's a need to know when to and when not to.

after so long, finally able to blog down some stuff.

"I give you my Love, an eternal Love, from me to You..."
PJ Duncan.

10:32 PM

SApphire's Inner World

THIS IS MY STORY... hmmm...a Virgo, a High C individual...Helper, AChiever & Loyalist. lots of expectation for myself..perhaps also for the ppl around me. dun like to face failure and disappointment, but i am definitely learning. a Passive person, but as long as i appreciate the person, i will take the first step and get out of my comfort zone. the Language of my love for the person that i cherish will be time. the greater the time and effort spend on the person, the more important the person is to me in my life. A stubborn, hot tempered, emotional, pessimistic gal.Loner. "Anti-social" tagged by most people if you judge me by the first impression =) i graduated in NUS as a mechanical engineer. i tried working in STMicroelectronics as a process engineer. but found that this is somethg that i dun reali enjoy. because i know God has created me differently. He has made me with a passion to be with ppl. He has gave me a gift to make frds and minister to ppl. He has gave me a unique ability to make sincere relationship. bcos Christ reigns in me. so after becoming a engineer for a while, i quited and i am currently working in Walton international Grp(S) PTE LTD as a landbanker now. it's a career that i reali enjoy bcos i get to meet all walks of ppl in my life. i get to help ppl to better invest in a correct way. to analyse together with my cients the oppt and not jus to do hard selling. cos i dun believe in that. i like to share. Not only so, I am also Volunteering under Touch Community Service in my Church, Volunteering in NYC as well as Sunday school :) right now, my only Wish is to become even closer with Christ in this beauty journey of my Life. i am a full time Christian & only a part time daughter, frd, landbanker, sportsman etc... Lord, everything i have belongs to You... drop me an email: or 97545658 (Walton) or 90997000 (DTZ)

SApphire's Favourites

To have Harmony & Peace. DayDreaming, Eating, Sleeping, Exercising, Catching up with peeps, Reading, Shopping, having LOTSSS of $$$, Travelling, meeting new ppl everyday :) I love Real Estate. most importantly, to be in the presence of God!

Precious Words

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